Change the naming scheme for the snapshot sibling object. Base it on the
parent object name, since the child object could be renamed without us
knowing about it.

Apply with:
cd /usr/src/evms-2.2.0
patch -p1 < snapshot.patch

--- evms-2.2.0a/plugins/snapshot/snap_create.c	15 Oct 2003 16:24:39 -0000
+++ evms-2.2.0b/plugins/snapshot/snap_create.c	5 Dec 2003 21:49:28 -0000
@@ -128,6 +128,44 @@
+ * check_sibling_state
+ *
+ * This check was added when the naming-scheme for the snapshot sibling was
+ * changed. If anyone had an active snapshot at the time they upgraded their
+ * version of EVMS to this new scheme, some naming problems would arise, and
+ * at the very least create an orphaned kernel device. This check attempts to
+ * remedy this situation by trying to rename from the old naming scheme to
+ * the new one.
+ **/
+static void check_sibling_state(snapshot_volume_t * snap_volume)
+	char old_name[EVMS_NAME_SIZE];
+	int rc;
+	if (!(snap_volume->sibling->flags & SOFLAG_ACTIVE)) {
+		strncpy(old_name, snap_volume->child->name, EVMS_NAME_SIZE);
+		strncat(old_name, "#snap#", EVMS_NAME_SIZE-strlen(old_name));
+		/* Lie about the active bit to fool dm_rename. The subsequent
+		 * call to dm_update_status will correct it if necessary.
+		 */
+		snap_volume->sibling->flags |= SOFLAG_ACTIVE;
+		rc = EngFncs->dm_rename(snap_volume->sibling, old_name,
+					snap_volume->sibling->name);
+		if (rc) {
+			LOG_ERROR("Unable to rename sibling for snapshot %s\n",
+				  snap_volume->parent->name);
+		}
+		EngFncs->dm_update_status(snap_volume->sibling);
+	}
  * get_snapshot_state
  * Get Device-Mapper's state for this snapshot. If the device is active,
@@ -149,6 +187,8 @@
 	if (is_active(snap_volume)) {
+		check_sibling_state(snap_volume);
 		rc = EngFncs->dm_get_info(snap_parent, &info);
 		if (!rc) {
 			if (sscanf(info, "%"SCNu64"/%"SCNu64,
@@ -317,8 +357,8 @@
 	snap_sibling->plugin = my_plugin_record;
 	snap_sibling->size = snap_child->feature_header->feature_data1_start_lsn;
 	snap_sibling->disk_group = snap_parent->disk_group;
-	strncpy(snap_sibling->name, snap_child->name, EVMS_NAME_SIZE);
-	strncat(snap_sibling->name, "#snap#",
+	strncpy(snap_sibling->name, name, EVMS_NAME_SIZE);
+	strncat(snap_sibling->name, "#sibling#",